Washing your car this bank holiday? Avoid these common mistakes

Virgin Radio

30 May 2022, 16:03

Pic: Getty

The bank holiday is the perfect time to give your car a good clean, but many of us make mistakes.

With prices rising, a lot of us are choosing the DIY method and washing the car by hand instead of paying someone else or going to a car wash.

However, it seems we make some common mistakes.

 Secure Tools shared the list of errors that could be damaging your car.

It's important to pre-rinse your car to remove any excess dirt.

Next, be sure to spray wheel cleaner onto your wheels. 

Then, get the car shampoo and start from the top.

This ensures the suds don’t drip down onto part of the car you've already done.

Whatever you do, don't be tempted to use a kitchen brush or scourer to give your cars’ paintwork a shine.

Using them for something other than their purpse can cost as much as £2,900 to fix.

Make sure you use a soft sponge to clean with.

While we're on the kitchen implements, avoid using Fairy Liquid when cleaning too.

The liquid strips away the essential oils in the car’s paint, and it can lead to the colour fading over time.

Don't clean your car if it's hot out, or if you've been for a long drive and your engine is hot.

It can cause substances to stick to the surface of your car and can be extremely difficult to remove.

Don’t forget to wipe your wheels dry.

Watermarks can ruin the overall look of your vehicle and undo all of your hard work.

Another tricky spot is the wheel arches. 

Salt and mud build up under your car over time, so get a pressure washer under there to get it good as new.

Are there any other tips you swear by?

