This is the best way to open a tight jar according to experts

Virgin Radio

7 Mar 2022, 15:58

Credit: Getty

We’ve all been there: you put all your strength behind twisting off the lid of a jar of something delicious only to lose the fight and your snack because it simply won't come off.

Every person you ask seems to have a different trick for getting the lids off stubborn jars, from putting it in boiling water, wrapping elastic bands around the top, or just using a tea towel- but how do we know which one actually works?

Well, luckily for us, the consumer champions at Which? have done some digging and got their experts to test out the best methods, so you don’t have to.

After carefully studying all the different tricks, experts have found the best and simplest way to get a lid off a tight jar is to use rubber gloves.

According to them, gloves allow more grip on the lid and protect your hand from getting hurt by cushioning them as you apply force to the jar.

Credit: Getty

The gloves must be dry and clean to prevent slipping, but experts say this method works especially well for people with arthritis, who may find it more difficult to get a lid off.

They also found that rubber gloves do the same job (if not better) as silicone jar openers and when they tested the jar opener it ended up damaging the lids slightly, which isn’t any good for jars that have to be resealed.

Most people have rubber gloves laying around somewhere, but if you don’t, then the next best thing is to run it under hot water or use a tea towel.

10 best ways to open a stubborn jar:

Rubber gloves: Make sure they are dry. Downside: None

Hot water: Run under tap for 30 seconds while rotating jar. Downside: hands could get burnt.

Tea towels: Use to get grip on lid. Downside: Grip is not as good as with gloves.

Tap jar: Knock the top of the jar against a counter a few times. Downside: Could mark surfaces.

Slap jar: Tip jar downwards at a 45-degree angle and firmly slap the bottom with your hand until seal pops. Downside: Could hurt hand

Wooden spoon: tap the edge of the lid a few times on each side with the spoon. Downside: Doesn’t always work and not as easy

Cling film: Cover lid and sides with cling film, twist lid. Downside: More waster and less comfortable than gloves

Elastic band: Wrap band around rim until tight and open as normal. Downside: Tricky to get right and too fiddly.

Scissors: If handles have small blunt serrations on the inside, use these to grip lid and pry open. Downside: Potential hazard of scissor blades.

Sharp knives: Use to pop open the lid by manoeuvring under the rim. Downside: Potentially dangerous if you slip.

