Emmerdale teases dramatic cow stampede

Virgin Radio

17 Oct 2022, 07:21

Cast of Emmerdale

Credit: ITV

You don't read a headline like that every day! Emmerdale have teased a dramatic cow stampede for their 50th anniversary celebrations.

We've already told you about the big storm that is set to ravage the village tonight (October 17th), but now news reaches us that there'll be some follow up drama, as a barn at Moira's farm collapses, unleashing panicked cows which will rampage across the surrounding area.


Emmerdale designer Duncan Howell revealed more about the event, describing the stampede as "one of the big elements of the week", and going on to say that "a cow stampede has not been done on a soap to this extent".

"We began with conversations and lots of planning with the farmer," he said. "It was really important that this did not cause any harm or stress to these animals. The cattle we used all actually live on the farm.

"For the filming element we created a new cattle pen near to a run which was a fence running down to one of their fields. So when they came out of the pen they gathered to go down the run to their field. They know they get fed both in the pen but also in the field.

"We did a rehearsal which was useful as it ensured the producers and everyone was happy with what we were doing and it was recorded to ensure there was no distress or any stress being caused to the animals."

He continued: "We put their food on the back of a feed hopper and whizzed that down first so the cows had seen their food go. So when they came out of their pen they ran as a group to get to the food. It was successful."

He went on to say that there was some visual trickery at play, including the use of a 'cow cam'. We really, really, really want to know more about the 'cow cam'.

Duncan added: "An amazing company called Animated Extras from Shepperton Studios created a cow's head that could be puppeteered. This will enable the audience to see a cow's point of view.

"In the scene it will look as if the cows are running towards the Emmerdale characters as the cows stampede. It worked perfectly."

Happy 50th birthday Emmerdale, you are really, really spoiling us!

