Man wows internet by telling us the right way to wear a travel pillow

Virgin Radio

12 Jul 2021, 12:45

Why did we never know this? All this time we've been using this sleep station the wrong way round. One TikTok-er has shed light on the slumber situation and shared the proper way to use the temporary travelling cushion. 

Sharing the tip on the social media site, user @Sidneyraz has impressed followers by showing them how to wear it - and it looks like we've been doing it back to front since the dawn of sit-up-sleeping.

He said: "Here’s something I wish I knew before I was in my 30s. Travel pillows go in front.

"Mmm, I’m so comfy."

He added: "You can actually sleep on a flight."


Credit: TikTok

With over 12 million views, 2.1m likes and hundreds of comments, one user wrote: "This is probably why I always found them so uncomfortable."

Another added: "Yeah, at the back they push your head forward in a weird position and if you’re short and the seat is formed, it is worse."

One person applauded: "Omfg I knew something was wrong because it was too large for the seat."

