A new study says people have become kinder during the pandemic

Virgin Radio

15 Feb 2021, 16:27

The pandemic has been with us for nearly a year now, and many things have changed. Researchers claim though that there is one definite benefit from it - we've all become a lot kinder.

The new research was conducted by Travelodge. The results showed that people have been more friendly to one another over the past year.

The kindness includes buying thoughtful treats for key workers, making care packages for neighbours, or Zoom calling someone you know who may be lonely.  

It's not just to loved ones though, strangers have been benefiting from the newfound sense of community.

Many people have also donated more to food banks and other charitable organisations.

More than 2,000 people were surveyed, and many revealed they have been talking to strangers more and have even surprised friends with gifts. #

A third of those asked also said they believe random acts of kindness are contagious and inspire others to be better.

Captain Sir Tom Moore has left quite the legacy, as one in four people say they were inspired by his actions to be kinder and more generous to others.

Travelodge shared some of the random acts of kindness its staff have carried out over recent months. One hotel manager in Milton Keynes, for example, helped a homeless person by offering them a job as a receptionist.

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge spokeswoman, commented: ‘One key thing that we are experiencing across our hotels is that kindness is prevailing in these challenging and tumultuous times. ‘Our research also shows that kindness is contagious and has been spreading far and wide across the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic.

What good deeds have you done lately?

