Pepperoni overtakes cheese and tomato as the UK's favourite pizza topping

Virgin Radio

28 Jan 2021, 18:07

Pizza is one of our favourite dishes, and a new poll has found that pepperoni has clinched the number one spot for our best-loved topping.

Margherita has long been in the top spot, but the spicy sausage has taken over with thirty percent of the votes. It claimed 23% percent of the votes.

In a surprise second place is BBQ chicken, with Margherita shunted down to third place. 

Look away pineapple-on-pizza haters, as the trusty Hawaiian pizza is in fourth.

Up next was meatballs, then the quattro Formaggio, a.k.a four cheese. 

Other popular toppings included prosciutto as well as spinach and egg, known as a fiorentina.

40 per cent of those polled appreciate a cheese-stuffed crust. A thin stone-baked base is the second most popular choice.

A quarter of those polled disagreed with Hawaiian's fourth place, claiming that putting pineapple on pizza is a crime.

Nearly one in ten of the 2,000 Britons surveyed said toppings such as chicken tikka or BBQ chicken are also wrong - yet many of them disagree and put BBQ chicken in second billing.

Around 26 per cent of people said it is acceptable to eat leftover cold pizza for breakfast. 

Goodfella’s Pizza was behind the survey and a spokesman said: ‘Our research indicates that the perfect pizza continues to be an important area of discussion for Brits.’ 

