Amy Schumer reveals she has Cushing's Syndrome

Virgin Radio

26 Feb 2024, 12:12

Amy Schumer

Credit: Getty

Stand-up comedian and actor Amy Schumer has explained that she has a rare condition called Cushing's Syndrome. 

The American star revealed the diagnosis after comments from viewers about how her face looked “puffier” during a recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

The NHS website says that Cushing's Syndrome is a condition caused by having too much of a hormone called cortisol in your body.

The Trainwreck and Life & Beth actor has said that the diagnosis left her feeling "reborn" and revealed: “It has been a crazy couple weeks for me and my family".

Speaking to the News Not Noise newsletter, the comedian said: “There are a few types of Cushing. Some that can be fatal, require brain surgery or removal of adrenal glands.

"So finding out I have the kind of Cushing that will just work itself out and I'm healthy was the greatest news imaginable.”

She explained that she was “in MRI machines four hours at a time, having my veins shut down from the amount of blood drawn” and was thinking that she “may not be around” to see her son grow up.

The actor added comments on her appearance also led to her seeing a doctor. “Aside from fears about my health, I also had to be on camera having the internet chime in. But thank God for that. Because that's how I realised something was wrong."

Explaining why she decided to share the news of her condition, Schumer said that she “wanted to advocate for women's health”

She continued: “The shaming and criticism of our ever-changing bodies is something I have dealt with and witnessed for a long time. I want so much for women to love themselves and be relentless when fighting for their own health in a system that usually doesn't believe them.”

