Firsts with Gaby Roslin: My first job, my Big Breakfast debut, the first time I met Chris Evans

Virgin Radio

10 Oct 2023, 13:22

Gaby Roslin at Virgin Radio

The delightful Gaby Roslin popped in to reminisce on Virgin Radio Firsts.

The Big Breakfast icon has a new book called Spread the Joy, which is out this week. In it, she aims to help people discover the joys that life has to offer.

Gaby joined the Chris Evans Breakfast Show with cinch to talk about it, and while at the top of the tower, she took the time to tell us some of her firsts. 

The telly, radio and podcast star spoke about her first paid gig, her go-to karaoke song, the first time she met Chris Evans, and more: 

First record you bought?

The first record I bought was a compilation of Top of the Pops. And I don't think it was even the original artists singing.

First paid job?

The first job I was paid for was, at 15, I used to work Saturday and Sunday mornings in the local paper shop that also sold records. So for me, it was a paper and record store at the age of 15. 

First time meeting Chris Evans?

The first time I met Chris Evans was my very first screen test for The Big Breakfast, and no word of a lie, we completely just got on and fell in love. 31 years later, we still love each other. Well, that's me saying that, I don't know what he'd say!

First song you’d pick at karaoke?

The first song I'd pick at a karaoke is from Grease; There Are Worse Things I Could Do.

First poster on your bedroom wall?

My first poster would probably have been of Donny Osmond. I was very, very tiny. I think I was about three or four and he was on the telly. And then I asked my parents to get me a picture of Donny, and I'd say goodnight to him every night.

First friend at school? 

My first friend at school, I think, was a boy called Ian, and he loved elephants and wild animals from Africa too. And I remember talking to this boy called Ian about wild elephants and being in Africa.

Your first Big Breakfast live show?

My first Big Breakfast live show was 31 years ago. And before we went on air, our boss said to us, ‘You know this is going to be huge?’ and Chris and I just looked at each other and went, ‘Is it?’. And we just had the best time. I remember what I wore. I think it was a red jacket.

Gaby chatted to Chris Evans about why we should all “stop worrying about what everybody thinks”. Read about it here.

She also spoke to Chris about 'the small things' that help make everyday life brighter. Read more here.

Spread The Joy is out this Thursday, 12th October.

